Saturday, February 4, 2012

Expertise & experience

I was told throughout middle school, high school, and college that it's important to be a well-rounded person. Apparently, this doesn't matter at all in the real world of job hunting. No one gives a damn if you have a million skills unless you are proficient at one. And what makes one proficient, i.e. an expert? According to my job searching, the answer is experience. The problem is, how am I supposed to get experience if no one will hire me?! Ugh.

Again, job searching provides an answer: Do an internship.
However, I've not yet found an internship that will pay enough for me to scrape by on student loans/life expenses. Most internships do not pay at all.

Thus I am led back to the conclusion that I need a job to pay for a car so I can get to and have an internship which will lead to a big girl, high paying job. At least that's the plan.

On a side note, my mom says that most people simply call themselves experts, and therefore they are. Wouldn't that be nice? I don't know if I can do that. Or get away with it.

Cliche day

"Life's full of surprises."

"You learn something every day."

Both cliches are true, though not always in a good way. I've discovered two important things about myself in the past two days. Unfortunately I didn't feel like yelling "Eureka!" when I realized them.

First of all, I realized that although I've always been a confident person, comfortable with myself in body and mind, my recently declining confidence is directly connected with my unemployed status. It's taken a while for this to kick in because I haven't been completely inactive over the past several months. In fact, I've kept myself busy with hobbies, housework and volunteering. But my self-confidence is definitely feeling bruised now that I've become restless. Part of this is the job hunt. Job hunting is really, really depressing. I know this is a generally known fact, but you don't truly know this unless you experience it. My problems with job hunting is 1.) lack of experience, and 2.) lack of transportation. And transportation is directly caused by lack of funds. Moolah. Dinero. It's a viscous cycle.

This leads to my second unwelcome revelation. I have pride. Who knew? And this pride is getting in my way. Isn't that horrible? It's certainly horribly frustrating for me. The issue that brought this up is desperation. The one thing in like I really dislike is desperation. It makes people do horrible things and make really bad decisions. That and I've witnessed desperate people being taken advantage of by greedy and uncaring people/corporations. I cant' stand that. To me, desperation equals misery. One thing I've always told myself is that I don't what to be one of the masses " lives of quiet desperation," as Thoreau wrote. 

In total, I realized last night that although I have a relative that could help me get a job, doing so would feel like desperation, and at the moment I was too damn proud to call my relative to ask for help. Of course, it didn't help that I'd been in a foul mood most of the day. And even worse, I still feel like that a bit. Hopefully this bought of pride will pass me by soon. What with student loans, I really cannot afford pride. On the other hand, I can't seem to round up a lot of enthusiasm for a job at a grocery store.

Friday, February 3, 2012

A self-assessment list

I think the new title of this blog is quite appropriate for my life right now. I feel like a Jack of all trades, master of none. The "master of some" part is just wishful thinking at the moment... I think... maybe?

I don't think I have expertise in anything. Sure, in the past I thought I did, but that's an illusion most teens have. I've grown out of that a while ago. That and I've not focused on increasing this one area of expertise in five years. Yeah. That's a long time for things to happen and change, especially in the romance book industry.

So, now I'm going to make a list of skills, just for myself, to decipher with what I've got to work.
  • Bilingual (English and Spanish).... although I'd say I'm fairly proficient, but there's still lots more to learn
  • Some ability to read, write and speak Japanese
  • Proofreading skills
  • Creative writing skills
  • Academic writing skills
  • Customer service (4 years experience)
  • Ability to type 75-80 words per minute
  • Through knowledge of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, the Internet, and Microsoft OS
  • I can:
    • cook & bake
    • knit and sew, including tailoring clothes
    • draw
    • sing & give beginner's singing lessons
    • fold origami
    • swim and teach beginner's swimming lessons (2 years experience)
  • I have:
    • published 2 short stories in my college magazine
    • written, photographed, and published the content for my church's website
    • joined Lambda Iota Tau, the national honors society for English majors and minors
    • attended the 2006 RWA national conference
    • led 2 major clubs/organizations while in college for several years
    • tutored for college-level Spanish courses
    • studied abroad in Costa Rica for 1 semester (4 months)
    • helped build houses with Habitat for Humanity
    • cleaned up damage to the Gulf Coast in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina
    • graduated from high school with honors
    • graduated from college with a bachelor's degree and with honors
    • spent thousands of hours volunteering through multiple organizations
    • built two large, custom bookcases from scratch 
  • I know :
    • a lot about the romance publishing industry
    • creative writing: non-fiction, fiction, and poetry to some extent
    • literature
    • Japanese culture
    • anime
    • photo editing
    • how to research
    • dog training & care
    • dog breeds
    • computer maintenance

The prodigal daughter returns

For starters, I'm a self-proclaimed prodigal daughter. Why? I like the idea of positive thinking. And it implies potential, much like the new title of this blog. I've decided to revamp this a bit and use it for myself again, instead of my one-hit-wonder journalism class.

I've never cared much for blogging, doing it myself or reading other people's blogs. In the past, I only used it as a way to vent to friends, i.e. the only other people who knew of my blog to read it. You know, back in the day before Facebook and Twitter, but slightly after Youtube. I'll probably think of this much in the same way, simply because I don't know what audience to expect, or to even expect one at all. But who knows? This is the big wide world web. Anything can (and often does) happen.

Therefore according to my explained usage, and as evidence by my tangent above demonstrates, this will largely be an informal blog where I put down my musings, findings, epiphanies, commentary, and likely a few rants along the way.

So, here I go.

A lot of shit has hit the fan since I last blogged. I'm not going to get into it because it's family drama. However some good has happened too. I graduated from college (Bachelor's in English with minors in Creative Writing, Spanish and Japanese). Hurray! And now I have student loans to pay... with no job as of yet. Boo! Hence, I'm currently stuck in that limbo of the unemployed college grad looking for purpose outside of the familiar womb of academia. And no, I already decided not to chicken out and fry the rest of my brain cells with graduate school. Perhaps that will come up again later or, perhaps I already wrote about that subject in this blog long ago. I shall have to get back to you on that. Or maybe you don't give a damn so I'll skip it all together. To be continued...

In the meanwhile, I'll think of other subjects to write about at a more appropriate our of the day/night. I really should get to bed... even though I'm wide awake. Damn coffee.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I almost forgot to mention that for Christmas, I received an eReader. <=)
It's spiffy. Me likes.

I still love print books above all else, but it's nice to have the eReader too. I just hope eReaders don't take over the book industry, which they probably will. T_T

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm back!

Here I am. I have not forsasken you, dear blog. I've just been on winter break. =D hehee

It's the beginning of a new semester, full of fun, study, club events, stress.... I'm not going to think about it too much... ruins the new-ness of it all.
Classes I am taking this semester:
-Fiction workshop!
-British Victorian Literature
-History of the English Language!
-stupid career and self-development class that I put off until the last possible moment
-2nd half quadmester, writing about films

I'm hoping to get more accomplished in the fiction workshop than just talking like we did on the first day. --__-- there's this one annoying lady that talks all the time in class. I'd say she almost talks more than our professor. Not good. I'm really liking the sound of my History of the English Language class, especially the social uses of language and the etymology. <3  The Harry Potter seminar is made of win. Enough said. Big class too - 30 students.

So just as a warning, I'll probably be blogging a lot about Harry Potter this semester. >=)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Christmas poem, in Spanglish

Well, so much for sticking to blogging every day. lol. I guess I shouldn't have expected so much from myself, especially since it's currently finals week. This here post is simply a short procrastination on important study time/ homework.

In other news, I have a cute poem I want to share. It's a version of 'Twas the Night before Christmas, but it's written in Spanglish - i.e. English and Spanish.

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the casa,
Not a creature was stirring – ¡Caramba! ¿Que pasa?
Los niños were all tucked away in their camas,
Some in long underwear, some in pajamas.
While hanging the stockings with mucho cuidado
In hopes that old Santa would feel obligado
To bring all children, both buenos and malos,
A nice batch of dulces and other regalos.
Outside in the yard there arose such a grito
That I jumped to my feet like a frightened cabrito.
I ran to the window and looked out afuera,
And who in the world do you think that it era?
Saint Nick in a sleigh and a big red sombrero
Came dashing along like a crazy bombero.
And pulling his sleigh instead of venados
Were eight little burros approaching volados.
I watched as they came and this quaint little hombre
Was shouting and whistling and calling by nombre:
Ay Pancho, ay Pepe, ay Cuco, ay Beto,
Ay Chato, ay Chopo, Macuco, y Nieto!
Then standing erect with his hands on his pecho
He flew to the top of our very own techo.
With his round little belly like a bowl of jalea
He struggled to squeeze down our old chimenea.
He filled all the stockings with lovely regalos
For none of the niños had been very malos.
Then chuckling aloud, seeming very contento,
He turned like a flash and was gone like the viento.
And I heard him exclaim, and this is verdad,
Merry Christmas to all, and ¡Feliz Navidad!

 I found the poem on  ( ), which was copied from The Cuernavaca Outlook, December 4, 1998.